Fluoride eBook | Page 23

ACT / E-book / ADA Vendor Showcase Premium Content
10 . Fluoride Clinical Guidelines . Available at : https :// www . ada . org / resources / community-initiatives / fluoride-in-water / fluoride-clinical-guidelines . Accessed on February 13 , 2022 .
11 . Zhang J , Sardana D , Li K , Leung K , Lo E . Topical fluoride to prevent root caries : systematic review with network meta-analysis . J Dent Res . 2020 May ; 99 ( 5 ): 506-513 . Available at : https :// pubmed . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / 32142400 /. Accessed May 6 , 2022 .
12 . Weyant RJ , Tracy SL , Anselmo T , et al . Topical fluoride for caries prevention . Executive summary of the updated clinical recommendations and supporting systematic review . JADA 144 ( 11 ): 1279-1291 . Available at : https :// jada . ada . org / article / S0002-8177 % 2814 % 2960659-0 / fulltext . Accessed February 2022 .
13 . Mouth Healthy . American Dental Association . Available at : https :// www . mouthhealthy . org / en / az-topics / f / fluoride ? utm _ source = adaorg & utm _ medium = ADAFluorideAlert & utm _ content = Fluoride . Accessed February 2022 .
14 . Collins F . Current concepts in fluoride therapy . Dental Learning . Available at : https :// actoralcareprofessional . com / wp-content / uploads / 2019 / 02 / current _ concepts _ in _ fluoride _ therapy . pdf . Accessed on March 25 , 2022 .
15 . Fluoride : Access , emerging educational challenges pose risk to cavity prevention . ADA Vendor Showcase Premium Content ( registration required ): A Q / A with Laurie C . Carter , D . D . S ., Ph . D . Available at : https :// pages . ada . org / fluoride-ebook ? hsCtaTracking = ba49f649-4b64-4928-a197- 69ea1507e0cb % 7C05042281-3517-4ee3-81fa-705c0900da24 . Accessed on March 25 , 2022 .
16 . Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion . Oral Health . Available at https :// www . healthypeople . gov / 2020 / LHI / default . aspx ? source = govdelivery . Accessed on March 25 , 2022 .

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Visit the Dental Practice Success Product Learning Center , sponsored by ACT Professional for a trove of fluoride resources , including free access to an on-demand webinar , survey results from dentists , featured news and more .
Reinforcing the Importance of Fluoride Use for Lifelong Dental Health