Flumes Vol. 6: Issue 1, Summer 2021 | Page 117


Life Ends in Immolation

Mukund Gnanadesikan

Just a footnote in Monday morning’s paper

I recognize the picture

from grocery store encounters.

Eyes draw haunting posthumous association.

Why would you choose

to end it all that way

icked and swallowed

by flames’ relentless tongues?

When did hope surrender?

The question calls for speculation.

No clues remain, not even a fingerprint.

Flesh burns too quickly, truth is silent ash.

The newsprint says

you gave up hope

when they took your newborn from you,

In my eyes, I see her stubby arms outstretched.

I, but a stranger

bear icy guilt and grief

for soft indifference

that now turns to briar thorn.

The empty swing set creaks,

chain links glistening,

seats blowing in the wind.

None comes to push it.