Flumes Vol. 6: Issue 1, Summer 2021 | Page 59


nothing more for us to do as a pair. We could not add anything more to each other’s lives.

When I got back to my fancy office in my dingy home I opened the envelope, ready to scan the check with my phone and have the bank tell me the money would be available in a few days. But there was something else inside. I should have realized earlier the package felt too heavy to just have a single, small piece of bank-approved paper inside. I dug down to the bottom and plucked the bonus weight out into the light. I held it up to the afternoon light streaming in from my curtain-less window. A gold handle glowed and the silver blade that stretched out for five inches glinted as I turned it over. Near the razor-sharp tip was a small note written in tiny letters on half a Post-It note.

“Got this from a guy named Ziggy. Anyone messes with you they answer to him. And me.”

I haven’t had to use it. Yet.