Flumes Vol. 6: Issue 1, Summer 2021 | Page 13


Moreth, Michael

With art gallery attendance at record lows (if they are even open) during the clampdown, it is monumentally impossible to underestimate the support for visual artists by Flumes.

Without the support of Flumes and other literary journals we would be reduced to shining a flashlight through a 35mm slide attempting to project an image on the moon.

Myers, K.C.

I find great interest in life – a smile, a message from a child, researching books or artforms, nature walks, ancient artifacts, interaction with animals, even the sound of the wind. When I explore those interests, questions may arise. It is that thirst for knowledge that probably serves as my greatest motivator and ironically, it offers endless ideas for writing.

Starchman, Bryan

Inspiration for my pieces comes from many places. When I’m traveling, I may be inspired by a roadside attraction or a brief interaction at a gas station. At home I may be influenced by something I see on TV or even out the window. When I’m not writing, I try to read a wide range of genres. I find the best cure for writers block is reading. It shows me what others are doing and seems to kickstart the ideas I have floating in the back of my mind. The inspiration for “Broken Dreams Blvd.” was a writing assignment I created for my drama students. I wanted them to write a play inspired by song lyrics and was inspired to create a world out of the famous Green Day Song. My rules were two characters, one setting, and to make it school appropriate. I initially shared this scene with my students and it has helped to inspire dozens of original scenes based on song titles and lyrics.

Weinschenk, Walter

I feel a kinship to those among us who are spiritually empty, existentially lost. I had the Psalm of David loosely in mind when I wrote this. We are only human, but our simple humanity gives rise to our compassion and empathy. We cannot help but reach out to others who, like ourselves, are lost.