Flumes Vol. 3: Issue 1 Summer 2018 | Page 46


Oh look! There’s a boat. What if I land on a boat but survive the fall?I could paralyse myself! And they’ll probably make me pay for passage!Fuck! There are so many things to consider. I’ve got to get this right!

[Harry closes his eyes]

Harry. Come on. Focus. Ommm...

[Harry’s eyes fly open]

Got it! I must remember to land on my head. Increases the risk of fatal injury. But what if I end up doing a belly flop? It’ll hurt. But not for long! Right. Harry! Come on. You’re dithering. Concentrate. Get into the zone.

[Harry closes his eyes]

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna,Hare Hare, Hare Rama...



Oh fuck it! It’s no use!


Excuse me!

[Harry is startled at the sound of Harriet’s voice. He almost falls off the bridge but manages –just –to claw himself back.]