Flumes Vol. 2 Issue 2 Winter 2017 | Page 46

Flora by the Fence

by Sylvia Claire Onorato

Beside the fence she sits

in flamenco attire, still

simmering with passion

she no longer translates

into motion or accentuates

with the cockle-tongued castanets

that, no more than five minutes

ago, threw echoes in radiating

ripples against stucco walls,

over the barbed wire and away

to the altarasa, the landscape

at her back. She sees only

pavement now. Pavement

and the pooling red wrinkles

of her dress ablaze in midday

heat, livid fiery finery perfectly

awake when every other skirt

scrunches up in shadow while

the women within take their siestas,

a customary excuse to avoid