FLUFF Issue 01 | Page 19

Hint : After , Check to see if you got the right answers at the bottom left of page !
Puzzle time !
Get your Pen at the ready ! Add the missing word to each fact and then draw a line to the character you think it applies to !

How well do you know the fluff team ?

Hint : After , Check to see if you got the right answers at the bottom left of page !

Adam The Goldfish

1 )

2 )

3 )

4 ) 5 )

Despite many believing so , this pet is not ------------- blind . They can see a variety of primary colours like yellow , blue , black , white and grey .
Have you ever noticed that this pet does not sweat ? That is because this species does not have any sweat glands in their body . When
they want to cool down they sweat through their---------------- .
This pet can reach a speed of up to 30 to 40 miles per hour when ----------------- . This pet can clean their eyes by licking their pupils with their -------- .
Many believe this pet is a vegetarian but they are actually Omnivores . Omnivores eat -------------- .
Elise The hamster
Louis The Labrador
Alice The Cat
Gemma The Gecko

6 )

This pet can surprisingly recognise a human ’ s ------------- .
Eleanor The Rabbit
Answers :
1 ) Colour - Louis The Labrador 2 ) Paws - Alice The Cat 3 ) Running - Eleanor The Rabbit 4 ) Tongue - Gemma The Gecko 5 ) Insects - Elise The Hamster





