A famous Florida angler named Ernest
Hemingway once wrote: “anyone can be a
fi sherman in May.” But on Florida’s Historic
Coast, every month brings great fi shing to
be enjoyed by anyone with the desire to dip
a line in the water.
Surf Fishing
Anglers who want to mix fi shing with
an inspiring dose of sunrise solitude or
evening enchantment can do so anywhere
along 42 miles of pristine Atlantic beach
on Florida’s Historic Coast. The gentle
swish of the surf
fi shermen casting
beyond the breakers
where, depending on
the season, whiting,
redfi sh, pompano,
bluefi sh and maybe
even a tarpon are
searching for food,
including the bait on
the end of your line!
Pier and Bridge
No boat? No problem.
Florida’s Historic
Coast has fi shing
piers located on waterways ranging
from secluded creeks to the deep blue
sea. Extending 687 feet into the Atlantic,
the St. Johns County Ocean Pier is the
area’s longest and is ideal for out-of-state
fi shermen because a Florida fi shing
license is not required – it’s included for
the day