Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 6
First Saturday: GTM Research Reserve Guided Cultural Hike
The first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. take a Guided
Cultural Hike that focuses on the Guana Peninsula’s 5,000 years of
human history. This 1.5 mile guided walking tour departs from
the Trailhead Pavilion located just west of the Guana Dam. The
programs are free with paid admission to the Reserve.
904-823-4500 http://gtmnerr.org
First Saturday: Living History Day at Fort Matanzas
From 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., authentically clad reenactors
demonstrate Spanish cannons at this fortress that guarded the
southern approach to St. Augustine. Admission is free including
the ferry ride to and from Rattlesnake Island. Fort Matanzas
National Monument is located at 8635 A1A, approximately 15 miles
south of St. Augustine. 904-471-0116 www.nps.gov/foma
First Saturdays: Vilano Beach Sunset Celebration
Features a spectacular sunset across the bay plus dozens of market
vendors, live music, local arts and crafts and more at the Vilano Pier.
Activities are from 3 p.m. - dusk. Admission is free. 260 Vilano Rd.,
St. Augustine. 904-540-0402 www.vilanobeachfl.com
Second Saturday: GTM Reserve Guided Trail Hike
Join GTM Research Reserve volunteers from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. for a
1.5 mile guided walk through the Guana Trail. After the walk, visit
the GTM Research Reserve Environmental Education Center (EEC).
There is a $3 parking fee. 505 Guana River Rd., Ponte Vedra Beach.
904-823-4500 http://gtmnerr2ndtrailhike.eventbrite.com
Second Satuday: City Walks Pet Friendly Tours
Bring Fido to join City Walks for a free Pet Friendly Tour of St. Augustine’s
Historic District. The tour departs at 10 a.m. from Tour Saint Augustine’s
office. Pets must be leashed, and reservations are required. 4 Granada
St., St. Augustine. 904-825-0087 www.staugustinecitywalks.com
Second Saturday Plant Sale
Washington Oaks Gardens State Park hosts their monthly plant sale
from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Regular park entrance fee of $5 per vehicle,
up to eight people; $4 per vehicle for single occupancy or $2 per
person on bicycle applies. 6400 North Oceanshore Blvd., Palm
Coast. 386-446-6783 www.floridastateparks.org/washingtonoaks
Third Tuesday: GTM Research Reserve Marineland Lecture
This lecture series is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10
- 11 a.m. at the GTM Research Reserve Marineland Field Office. The
series is designed to inform the public about the coastal natural
world. The lectures are free and reservations are requested. 9741
N. Oceanshore Blvd., Marineland. 904-823-4500