Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 40

Ponte Vedra Beach Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center 50 A1A North, Suite 102 202 Bird Island Park 9A To Jacksonville Ponte Vedra Beach TPC Sawgrass 295 A1A Mickler’s Landing 1 Palm Valley Boat Ramp 95 210 GTM Research Reserve Davis Park Int o rac 210 South Ponte Vedra Beach ast al W Exit 210 329 ate y a rw 1 World Golf Village A1A l na tio y na w ter lf Pk iles In Go m .75 x. 4 pro Ap Exit 323 Usina Beach Ramp 1 13 16 Fort Mose Historic State Park Outlet Centers Exit Surfside Beach Ramp Usina Bridge 16 318 St. Augustine Inlet St. Augustine Bridge of Lions W. King St. 1 A1A 312 m H p Ap Exit Anastasia State Park un 311 312 St. Augustine St. Augustine Beach Shores 207 A1A Beach Parking Beachside Visitor Information Center 350 A1A BEACH BLVD Int Beach Blvd - Old A1A ns Joh St. iver R .5 rox 312 AN A D lt R ARK R Sa TASIA P S 214 s ile Vilano Beach Ramp A1A Approx. 5.5 miles St. Augustine Visitor Information Center 10 Castillo Drive 13 Vilano Beach oas rac Ocean Trace Beach Ramp tal 95 1 terw Wa St. Johns County Fairgrounds St. Augustine Beach Pier & Pavillion A Street Beach Ramp A1A Dondanville Rd. Beach Ramp Matanzas Ave Beach Ramp Butler Beach Mary St. Beach Ramp ay Crescent Beach Crescent Beach Ramp Approx. 2 miles Exit 305 206 Fort Matanzas National Monument To Daytona Beach Approx. 10 miles south of S.R. 312 Matanzas Inlet To Marineland Nights of Lights Calendar of Events Also available at www.NightsOfLights.com This publication is printed on paper that uses PCW (post-consumer waste). 40 50K10/14