Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 30

December 17 & 18 EMMA Concert Performance: Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra This 7:30 p.m. concert features the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra “Holiday Pops Concert.” Flagler College’s Lewis Auditorium, 14 Granada Street, St. Augustine. Tickets are $35. 14 Granada St., St. Augustine. 904-797-2800 www.emmaconcerts.com December 19 Celebrating 150th Class Reunion From 6 - 9 p.m.,The Oldest Wooden School House celebrates the 150th Class Reunion with descendants of the last graduating class -- the Class of 1864! This is a St. Augustine 450th Anniversary Commemorative event. Admission is $4.95 Adults, $3.95 Children (6-12), under 6 free. 14 St. George St., St. Augustine. 904-824-0192 www.oldestwoodenschoolhouse.com December 20 Navidad en el Viejo San Agustin (Christmas in Old St. Augustine) Hosted by Florida Living History, Inc., Mission Nombre de Dios and the Diocese of St. Augustine, this annual heritage event features the Christmas music and customs of 16th century Spanish St. Augustin R