Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 28
December 6 - January 31 (Saturdays Only)
Nights of Lights & Holiday Traditions Plaza Stroll
Tour Saint Augustine hosts a free Nights of Lights & Holiday
Traditions walking tour to take in the amazing views while learning
the historical significance of these ‘white lights’ and exploring
how this colonial-era tradition has become a famous modern day
spectacle not to be missed. Tours depart at 7 p.m. from the Tour
Saint Augustine office, 4 Granada St., St. Augustine. 904-825-0087
December 7
46th Annual Garden Club Christmas Tour of Homes
This annual tour showcases holiday decorations at a selection of
St. Augustine’s most outstanding private homes. This year’s theme
is “Christmas in the Ancient City.” Enjoy a taste of nostalgia in the
colorful and natural floral decorations and arrangements designed
and hand crafted by members of The Garden Club of St. Augustine.
A delightful tea is included in the ticket price. The tour takes place
from noon - 5 p.m. Tickets are $25 and should be purchased in
advance because of limited availability; $30 the day of the tour. 904797-0660 http://gardenclubofstaugustine.org/tourofhomes.html
December 7
Divas Half Marathon and 5K
Run Like a Diva in this fun and glam women’s running series! The
series comes to St. Augustine Beach with a 7 a.m. half marathon
and a 7:25 a.m. 5K -- both starting and finishing at the St. Johns
County Ocean Pier. These exciting races each i nclude a Boa and
Tiara Station just before the finish line so runners can finish like a
Diva. Plus, the event features a 2-day Health & Fitness Boutique.
Awards given to the top three finishers in 14 age groups ranging
from 14 and under to 75+. Register online and book a hotel for the
weekend! $100 for Divas Half Marathon; $65 for the Divas 5K. 350
A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach, www.runlikeadiva.com
December 10 & 12
5th Annual Candlelight Tour of Villa Zorayda
Experience a holiday Candlelight Tour of St. Augustine’s beautiful
Villa Zorayda Museum. A spectacular Christmas tree and over 100
candles are aglow throughout the museum. The tour starts at 6
p.m. and lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Admission
of $15 for adults; Children 7 - 12 are $6. Children 4 - 6 are free. The
candlelight tours are not recommended for children 3 and under.
83 King St., St. Augustine. 904-829-9887 www.villazorayda.com