Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 23

DECEMBER December 1 – January 12 The First City through the Eyes of the Masters St. Augustine-themed works from perhaps the best collection of Florida painters in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This includes the work of Frank Henry Shapleigh, who wintered at Henry Flagler’s Ponce de Leon Hotel from 1886 to 1887 and was the hotel’s resident artist from 1889 to 1892. The exhibition is uniquely displayed in a then and now format. Each early St. Augustine painting is accompanied by a current photograph of the exact same location and perspective for visitors to explore how America’s first city has changed throughout history. The exhibition also features a walking tour brochure that provides locations, descriptions and distances to all of the St. Augustine historical sites depicted in the exhibition’s artwork. Free admission. Open daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Located at the St. Augustine Visitors Information Center, 10 West Castillo Dr. www.StAugustine-450.com December 1 - January 25 Nights of Lights Wine and Carriage Tour Enjoy the sparkling Nights of Lights and a bottle of boutique wine aboard an old-fashioned horse-drawn carriage. This group tour (8 persons maximum) meanders through the historic streets of St. Augustine for an unforgettable 45 minutes. Includes souvenir wine glass. Presented by The Tasting Tours, the carriage departs nightly at 6, 7, 8 & 9 p.m. $49 per person. 59 Cuna St., St. Augustine. 904-325-3911 www.thetastingtours.com December 1 - January 25 Nights of Lights Lovers’ Carriage Tour Take a romantic, private tour for two through St. Augustine’s magnificent Nights of Lights. This 45-minute tour aboard an oldfashioned, horse-drawn carriage includes a bottle of wine (red or white), and two souvenir wine glasses. The cost is $145 per couple. Presented by The Tasting Tours, this private carriage departs nightly at 6, 7, 8 & 9 p.m. 59 Cuna St., St. Augustine. 904-325-3911 www.thetastingtours.com December 1 - January 25 Gold Tour’s Private Nights of Lights Tours See the world renowned St Augustine lights on a tour aboard a quiet electric vehicle. Travel the narrowest and quaintest streets of the ancient city to see all the lights and historic buildings up close. These narrated tours last 45 minutes and accommodate a maximum of 6 adults and one child. Reservations are required. Individual reservations are available nightly for our 8:30 p.m. tour. Group tours available nightly only by prior reservation at 6 and 7:15 p.m. $15 per person or $80 for the whole bus. All tours leave from the Love Tree, 6 Cordova St., St. Augustine. 904-325-0547 www.staugustinegoldtours.com 23