Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events Nights of Lights Nov 2014-Jan 2015 | Page 16
November 15 & 16
St. Augustine Half Marathon Weekend
Put on your running shoes and participate in a foot-race that
suits your running level. On Saturday there will be a 10K run; a
Family 5K Run and the St Augustine’s Kids Race. Then on Sunday
the St. Augustine Half Marathon begins. The events Expo is located
at Francis Field where each race starts and ends. 29 West Castillo
Dr., St. Augustine. 305-716-1111 http://staugustinemarathon.com
November 17 - January 4
Dressing of the Palms in Vilano Beach
The third annual Dressing of the Palms along Vilano Beach features
palm trees decorated in holiday finery -- A Celebration of Coastal
Living. The trees showcase creative talents of residents, artists,
businesses, clubs, schools, and organizations. Vilano Beach Main
St., St. Augustine. 904-910-8386 www.VilanoBeachFL.com
November 18
EMMA Concert Performance: Scott Watkins, Pianist
As part of EMMA’s Music Masters Series, well-traveled pianist
Scott Watkins performs Howard Hanson’s Piano Sonata: A Recently
Discovered Treasure.” Called “a polished player in his prime” (Folio
Weekly), his performance begins at 7 p.m. in the Flagler Room at
Flagler College . Tickets are $6. 74 King St., St. Augustine.
904-797-2800 www.emmaconcerts.com
November 22
Colonial Autumn in Spanish Florida
From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., visitors to St. Augustine’s Fort Mose State
Park will learn about and sample the fruits and vegetables grown
by Spanish residents during the 1700s. Local Farm Fare will present
a farmer’s market featuring foods from Spanish colonial times that
are still grown today. Florida Living History’s Los Companeros de
la Cocina will present cooking demonstrations. At 11 a.m. and 1
p.m., independent scholar Annie Francis will present her research
findings from the Spanish Archives of the Indies about foods
commonly consumed in Spanish Florida and recipes for their
preparation. The event is free. 15 Fort Mose Trail, St. Augustine.
904-823-2232; www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose.
November 22
30th Annual Ancient City Auto Club Car Show
See the best in stock and modified autos from throughout the
years at this popular annual show that takes place beneath
the shady oaks of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.
Registration 8 - 11 a.m. with a 3 p.m. awards presentation for first
thru third in 36 classes. Vehicle pre-registration is $15 and $20 the
day of the show. Spectator admission is free. 209 N San Marco
Ave., St. Augustine. 9 04-794-1941 http://local.aaca.org/ancientcity