Florida's Historic Coast Calendar of Events February - March 2025 | Page 6

Vilano Beach Artisan Market Walk Shop for local artisan-made items , plants , home décor , datil pepper sauces , and more along the sidewalks near the Vilano Beach Pier from 4-8 p . m . Free parking and admission . 260 Vilano Rd ., St . Augustine . www . vilanobeachfl . com
Cruise-In St . Augustine Cruisers at Classic Car Museum of St . Augustine Check out the classics from 5-7 p . m . and enjoy music , door prizes , and a 50 / 50 drawing . 4370 US 1 S ., St . Augustine . www . ccmstaug . com
Fourth Saturday Cars & Coffee at Classic Car Museum of St . Augustine Check out over 150 beautiful classics while enjoying free coffee and doughnuts from 8-10 a . m . 4370 US 1 S ., St . Augustine . www . ccmstaug . com
GTM Research Reserve Beach Clean Up Enjoy coastal views while helping remove debris and microplastics from the beach . GTM Rangers will supply gloves and trash bags at 9:30 a . m . at a different meeting location each month . www . gtmnerr . org
Every Saturday & Sunday Historic Weapons Demonstrations at Castillo de San Marcos Join Park staff in period attire for 15-minute demonstrations on the gundeck or grounds . Shows are at 10:30 a . m ., 11:30 a . m ., 1:30 p . m ., 2:30 p . m ., and 3:30 p . m . Admission is $ 15 adults , free for children 15 and under accompanied by an adult . 11 S . Castillo Dr ., St . Augustine . www . nps . gov / casa
February 1 Painting with REC-Creations at Solomon Calhoun Community Center Celebrate grandparents with a casual painting session for ages 12 and up . Free ; registration required . Limited to 20 participants . 1300 Duval St ., St . Augustine . www . secure . rec1 . com / FL / stjohns-county-fl / catalog
February 1 Flagler College Lifelong Learning Seminar : The St . Francis Barracks and the Florida National Guard Learn about the historic St . Francis Barracks property that was first converted for use as a military headquarters during Florida ’ s British Period ( 1763-1783 ) and Drawing the Face & Figure like Charles Bargue with Dara Dodson has served as the headquarters for the Florida National Guard since 1907 . Tickets are $ 10 and take place 9-10:15 a . m . at St . Francis Barracks , 82 Marine St ., St . Augustine . www . campusce . net / flagler / course / course . aspx ? catid = 192
February 1 First Coast Opera 25th Anniversary Gala Celebrate the transformative power of music featuring renowned artist Juan Antonio Simarro . Join the festivities from 5-10 p . m . to honor the organization ’ s rich history at Embassy Suites St . Augustine Beach Resort , 300 A1A Beach Blvd ., St . Augustine . www . firstcoastopera . com