Florida's Birding & Photo Fest official guide 2016 | Page 29

SUNDAY FloridasBirdingAndPhotoFest.com EVENT TYPE EVENT NAME TIME COST MEETING LOCATION Boat Sunrise Birding & Nature Boat Excursion 6:30 - 8:15am $ 55 Municipal Marina Field Workshop A Morning with the Horses, Glatzer 6:45 - 9:00am $ 125 Surfside Beach Ramp Field Workshop Owls, Hawks, Falcons & Lots of Photography Tips, Gamez 6:45 - 8:30am $ 125 GTM Research Reserve, Guana Dam Field Workshop North Shore Boat Excursion: Birding, Photography, Nature Study and Relaxation, Karlson 7:00 - 11:00am $ 65 Lighthouse Park Boat Ramp Field Workshop Advanced Macro Photography, Wells 8:00 - 10:30am 40 / 135 Alligator Farm Classroom Field Workshop Light - Shadow - Action - Background, Loughlin 8:00 - 11:00am 100 / 195 Alligator Farm Field Workshop Point & Shoot Nature Photography at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park, Ingraham 8:00am - 1:00pm $ 20 Washington Oaks State Park Boat Animals of the Estuary Boat Excursion 9:00 - 10:45am $ 55 Municipal Marina Photo Seminar Metering Explained, Glatzer 10:00 - 11:30am $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 1 Photo Seminar Advanced Digital Tips & Techniques for the Nature and Wildlife Photographer, Colucci 10:00 - 11:30am $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 2 Photo Seminar Manipulate Your Images with Great Control, Gamez 10:00 - 11:30am $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 3 Boat "Mid-Morning Birds in Flight" Eco-Boat Tour 10am - 12:00pm $ 55 Ripple Effects Ecotours Field Workshop Image Capture beyond 800 mm, Halpin 10:00am - Noon $ 30 GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room Kayak Low Tide Pellicer Flats Birding by Kayak 10:00am-12:30pm $ 60 Ripple Effects Ecotours Photo Seminar Light Illuminates, Shadow Defines, Glatzer 1:00 - 2:30pm $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 1 Photo Seminar Editing Florals: Adding Textures - Lightroom and Photoshop, Kramer 1:00 - 2:30pm $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 2 Photo Seminar Tips and Techniques for Better Travel & Landscape Photographs, Brady 1:00 - 2:30pm $ 40 GTM Research Reserve, Rm 3 Boat Island Explorer Boat Excursion 4:00 - 5:45pm $ 55 Municipal Marina Field Workshop Fill Flash Changed My Photography - You Can Too!, Gamez 4:30 - 7:30pm 100 / 195 Alligator Farm Boat Sunset Birding & Nature Boat Excursion 6:15 - 8:00pm $ 55 Municipal Marina 29