Birds and Jaguars in Bountiful Brazil | Presentation
Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room
Tropical Birding Tours: Nick Athanas
FRIDAY 3 TO 3:45 P.M.
FREE | Max No of People: 12
Brazil is the largest country in South America; it is so vast and varied that it
can be hard for a first-time visitor to know where to begin. Nick will describe
some of his favorite areas for photography, including the Pantanal, with its
incredible density of birds and easy-to-photograph Jaguars, and the Atlantic
Forest of the Southeast, with a productive rainforest for bird photography.
Nick Athanas is an avid birder, bird photographer, and co-founder of the tour
company Tropical Birding. He leads birding and bird photography tours throughout
the world, specializing in South America, and has photographed over 2,500 bird
species. His photos can be found in many publications as well as on his personal
photo website He is the lead author and photographer of the
forthcoming Birds of Western Ecuador: A Photographic Guide.
Marvelous Madagascar – An Introduction for the
Wildlife Photographer | Presentation
Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room
Tropical Birding Tours: Nick Athanas
Pablo Cervantes came to Tandayapa by accident; this city-loving engineer
had to go to the lodge to help out for a week, became hooked on bird
photography and started taking out professional photographers and helping
with photography workshops. He now guides professional photographers to
Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico and will be soon branching out to other continents.
He also manages Tandayapa Bird Lodge, and you can find him there tinkering
with new techniques for shooting hummers.
FREE | Max No of People: 12
Madagascar’s flora and fauna are different from anywhere else on Earth.
The endemic birds, such as the colorful vangas and ground-rollers, on
their own would justify a visit, but so many other animals make tempting
subjects, including charismatic lemurs, colorful chameleons, and
otherworldly geckos. Nick shares some of the top wildlife photography
destinations in this unique country.
Desiree D´Sylva was raised in Quito, but her life has taken her on many exciting
adventures to the most beautiful places in the world. She lived on merchant ships
during her teens, and saw spectacular scenery and culture throughout Europe, Africa,
and Asia, and is the only person in TB to have sailed through the Suez and Panama
canals. After finishing a degree