Stephen Ingraham has been celebrating the wonders of the natural world with
a camera for over 50 years. A survivor of the film, SLR, and bag of lenses era, he
has chosen to work almost exclusively with digital superzoom Point and Shoot
cameras for the past decade. His work has been featured in many national and
local publications, and is seen daily by up to 75,000 followers on Social Media.
His most recent print article, on bird photography with Point and Shoot Cameras,
appeared in the November/December 2014 issue of Bird Watcher’s Digest.
His Point & Shoot Nature Photographer web site features both instruction and
inspiration for aspiring bird, wildlife, macro and landscape photographers (psnp.
lightshedder.com) “Photography should be fun, and photography is about
sharing. Modern digital cameras are pretty amazing. Let the camera do all the
work it can so that you can concentrate on seeing what is worth celebrating, and
deciding how to share it.” (Steve was also the Birding and Nature Observation
Product Specialist for ZEISS Sports Optics for the last 12 years.)
Introducing Point and Shoot Nature Photography: Bird
and Wildlife, Macro and Landscape |
Photography Seminar
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Classroom 1)
WEDNESDAY 1:00 TO 2:30 P.M.
Price: $25 | Max No of People: 40 | Difficulty Level: Beginner
Serious nature photography is no longer the sole domain of the well equipped
DSLR photographer. As thousands of photographers have discovered over the
past few years, today’s long zoom Point and Shoot digital cameras, in the hands
of a thoughtful and creative photographer, are capable of amazingly satisfying
images of everything from birds and wildlife, to macros of wildflowers and
insects, to grand landscapes and sweeping panoramas under dramatic skies...all
in a relatively small, compact, and inexpensive package. This workshop provides
a basic introduction to the cameras (including how to choose the best one
for your needs) and techniques that put nature photography within the reach
of anyone with the desire to share what they appreciate in the natural world.
Part inspiration and part instruction, it will change the way you look at nature
photography...and convince you that it is indeed possible to be a “real” nature
photographer with a Point & Shoot camera.
The Seven Fold Path to Better Birding (or the Short
Route to Becoming an Expert) | Presentation
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room)
SATURDAY 1:00 TO 2:30 P.M.
Price: FREE | Max No of People: 20 | Difficulty Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Everything the birder needs to know about getting good. With a dose of humor.
Point and Shoot Nature Photography at Washington
Oaks State Park | Field Workshop
Field Techniques for Point and Shoot Nature
Photography | Field Workshop
(Meeting Location: Washington Oaks State Park Garden Parking Lot, 6400
Oceanshore Blvd., Palm Coast)
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Outdoor Amphitheater)
WEDNESDAY 3:30 TO 5:30 P.M.
SUNDAY 7:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M.
Price: $60 | Max No of People: 10 | Difficulty Level: Beginner
We will spend time in the field exploring the basic camera settings and
important attitudes for bird, wildlife, macro, and landscape photography with
a Point and Shoot camera. The camera is going to do most of the hard work,
but you do need to know how to point it in the right direction...both in its basic
setup (menus etc.) and in a more literal sense of what to take pictures of, and
how those choices determine what you ask the camera to do. This workshop
should build your confidence in the both the camera’s and your own abilities.
Bring whatever camera you have, and we will share.
Price: $60 | Max No of People: 20 | Difficulty Level: Beginner
An opportunity to get out and take pictures with your Point & Shoot camera in
a supportive, nurturing atmosphere...and a beautiful spot with opportunities for
birds, wildlife, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, land and seascapes.
Advanced and Specialized Modes for Point and Shoot
Nature Photography | Field Workshop
Price: $25 | Max No of People: 40 | Difficulty Level: All
You cannot save a bad photo with post processing...but any good photo
can be made better with some software tweaks. I would no more share [