Florida Home Buyers & Sellers Guide Paramount Miami Worldcenter | Page 29

If the lender is a company, provide the board resolution approving the loan. OR Gifts Applicant declaration about the circumstances around the gift Donor's background and its relationship with applicant Donor's tax returns and the tax payment record of his company, or explain the source of the funds. Documents or declaration proving the means the donor obtained the gift initially. Donor declaration that he does not expect repayment. If the gift is money, provide bank account information or wire receipt showing the funds were disbursed and received. If the gift is assets other than money, provide notary certificate about the transfer. Gift tax proof. OR Inheritance Proof of the parties' relationship Death certificate Will or court order for distribution (if the documents are missing because a long time has elapsed, provide witness declarations) Donor's background and proof that he acquired the asset through lawful funds. (If the gift was acquired long ago, provide witness declaration) If the inheritance is money, provide bank account information or wire receipt showing the funds were disbursed and received (if the documents are missing because a long time has elapsed, provide witness declarations) If the gift is assets other than money, provide notary certificate about the transfer (if the documents are missing because a long time has elapsed, provide witness declarations) Inheritance tax record Pa ra m o un t Mia mi W o rl dc en t er