Florida Fitness Photography Volume 8 | Page 2

Publishers Note


Florida Fitness Photography

John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor Nellie Hawley

May 26, 2014: All photography took place in Charleston, SC over the 2014 NPC Jr USA weekend. Oliva is accompanied by Johnny Vegas.

In This Issue:

Arlene Maria Oliva

Please share something of your background and how it relates to your current interest in fitness and modeling.

My background started with martial arts when I was 7. It kept me extremely fit and always health conscious. The transition to NPC bikini was the next step for me to continue my athletic goals. Wearing beautiful bikinis and getting dolled up was luxury karate didn't grant me. That's a plus!

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I began my journey in 2012 with my first show being the Tampa Bay classic. I got hooked and said "this is for me". My biggest highlight was 2013 at Deke Warner's Florida State. I placed and qualified for nationals. That show was the biggest turning point for me because I knew there was more in store for me if I didn't stop. Nationals was pure heaven. I got a taste of being with the best of the nation. It was a rush like no other. Getting top ten was a dream come true.

In 2014 i decided to compete in the Arnold Amateur in Ohio. Against very great bikini girls from around the world, (64 women in my class) I placed 10th in the world. I was so happy because that reassured me I can do anything with god and anything i set my mind too. After the Arnolds, I had a new game plan and sought out the best coach in the industry, Tim Gardner.

We came up with a game plan. I won first and overall at Riptide Classic national qualifier. Soon after that placed second at Junior USAs. Next stop Junior Nationals in Chicago! I am so thankful for my coach and so thankful for teammates who are truly amazing.

What motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness?

My mom is my biggest inspiration. Ever since I was little I remember her lifting weights, doing cardio and eating right. It was her example and dedication that has been instilled in me since I was little. (cont. pg. 6)

Florida Fitness Photography