Florida Fitness Photography Volume 7 | Page 2

Publishers Note


Florida Fitness Photography

John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor Nellie Hawley

In This Issue:

Robins Dorvil is covered in this issue and we shot with Robins between prejudging and the evening show at NPC Junior USAS in Charleston, South Carolina at the construction/renovation site of a mansion in the city. A great looking man with a testimony of health and fitness that speaks well to his leadership role in the community.

Robins Dorvil

Please share something of your background and how it relates to your current interest in fitness and modeling.

I’ve always struggled with my weight as a kid. I was made fun of and my self-esteem was at an all-time low. At age 14, I hit puberty, some of the weight came off, and I was able to maintain 15 percent body fat. I felt a little hope that my esteem would have gotten a little better from that point on. I was wrong. Things changed after my son was born when I was a 21-year-old. I felt like I was the pregnant one because I grew heavier each month. Shopping became harder and expensive because I constantly had to buy new clothing. It's like my metabolism gave up. It got even worse when I worked 16-hour days at a desk job, barely exercised, and ate two heavy meals per day. At that point, I reached my highest weight of 234lbs with over 30% body fat.

As my son grew older, I noticed he had the same problem I did with his weight and I could tell he wasn't happy. I needed to set an example and be a role model for him because I didn't want him to deal with the issues I faced. This is why I stress the importance of attacking the child obesity epidemic these days. Sometimes as parents, we aren’t educated enough to avoid this problem.

Growing up I used to think all athletes were born to be athletic and look it, and I was born to be fat. I'm sure there are others who think the same. I took a stand to prove that I can turn my life around, step on stage, take modeling photos, be athletic, and keep the weight off. No one can set a limit on you but yourself (cont. on pg. 4).

Florida Fitness Photography