Florida Fitness Photography Volume 62 featuring Jennifer Keller | Page 2

Publishers Note


Florida Fitness Photography

John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor Nellie Hawley

Volume 62 published July 6, 2015.

Shoot took place in Charleston, SC over the weekend of the 2015 NPC Jr USA Championships. Six Foot Fit Chick seemed a suitable title for this tall glass of water considering its her moniker on Instagram. While she gave pithy answers to our Q&A Keller has extensive experience in sports training as a high school and collegiate athlete and coach. Happy to have the opportunity to work with a lady who inspires many and most importantly her own children and other youth.

In This Issue:

Jennifer Keller

Please share a bit of your background and how you see it relating to your current success in fitness and modeling.

I have always been interested in athletics and consider myself a very competitive person. I was a college athlete and enjoy sports and competing.

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I have competed in seven shows now and with each one I learn more about this sport and grow as an athlete. I’m not sure that I can pick one as most memorable. I have enjoyed every one and love being on stage. I can’t wait till the next time!

Is there something that motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

I have always stood out from the crowd for my height (I am 6 feet tall) which is something that I had no control over. I like standing out now for my physique which I have worked extremely hard to create. I believe it shows dedication, self-control, hard work, and love for myself. The most difficult part is helping others not in the sport understand how important the diet is and that everything you intake makes a difference in how you look.

How do your goals on stage connect with your non-athletic activities?

My goals on stage are to be the very best I can. I strive to meet that same goal in work as a teacher, as a mom to three children, and as a wife. (cont. pg 22).

Florida Fitness Photography