Florida Fitness Photography Volume 42 Featuring Justin Edwards | Page 2

Publishers Note


Florida Fitness Photography

John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor Nellie Hawley

Shoot with Justin set up by his wife as an anniversary present prior to his competing in Men's Physique at the 2014 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic.

In This Issue:

Justin Edwards

Please share something of your background related to your interest in fitness and this shoot.

Even though I was never really into traditional sports I had an interest in being muscular and exercising. I always looked up to the comic book heroes and remember doing pushups with my older sisters. I went into the marines at age 20 and was introduced to the gym. I got serious about fitness in 2007 when I got my very first gym membership. It became part of my daily routine. The shoot today is a way for me to track the progress that I’ve made over the years.

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I learned about Men’s Physique from a friend in 2012 and he encouraged me to try it. Rob Riches was my inspiration at the time and he was a big source of education and resources for me to prepare. I competed in my first show in 2012 at Sunset Classic and took first and overall. From there I went on to take 3rd place at Dexter Jackson which qualified me for Nationals. I took 10th at Nationals in Atlanta that year. I competed in two shows in 2013 and they were both very humbling experiences for me. Europa Orlando 2013 was the most memorable. I brought my worst package to the stage and placed terribly in front of many of my family and friends. That experience was really was the best thing that could have happened to me. It made me realize the things I was taking for granted and prompted me reach out to a support system that would help keep me grounded, accountable, and bringing 110% to the stage every time.

What motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness?

It definitely amazes me to see how far I’ve come and see the things I thought were impossible become a reality. I am motivated and inspired every day by my family and training team. I want to put on a good show for everyone and show others that all those moments and choices add up to progress. I started an Instagram page called Champions Breed Champions two years ago to support and inspire people in their fitness journey. It has inspired me and provided a channel to share their stories (cont. 6).

Florida Fitness Photography