Florida Fitness Photography Volume 36 featuring Devon Manny | Page 2

Publishers Note


Florida Fitness Photography

John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor Nellie Hawley

August 5, 2014 NOTE: Devon Manny since providing her answers to our Q&A won overalls in both shows she entered.

In This Issue:

Devon Manny

Please share something of your background and how it relates to your current interest in fitness and modeling.

I was always the skinny girl and was bullied all through school for being so thin. Kids were always spreading rumors that I had an eating disorder, which actually caused somewhat of a reverse disorder (if that makes sense). I would eat in excess to the point of sickness just to try to gain weight and was never satisfied with myself. Even to this day I still see myself as the extremely skinny 110lb girl I used to be. I tried everything I could to gain weight but nothing worked until I began weightlifting and eating better. From the very first two weeks of my lifestyle change-I was addicted and my goals took off from there.

Share with us a bit about history and most memorable show experience. your contest.

My first show was The 2014 Europa where I placed 8th. Though my conditioning was nowhere near what it is now, I'm still happy I did it because I felt so much accomplishment taking on such a large show for my first time. The Beach Bodies Classic and Dexter Jackson Classic are my 2nd and 3rd shows.

What motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

The constant changes I see in my physique are constant motivation to keep pushing and keep bettering myself and being able to step on stage and receive that instant gratification of everything I trained so hard for is the biggest motivation of all. Ever since picking up a weight for the first time, I have loved the training aspect of this sport the most. I love feeling myself get stronger and knowing with each rep, I am changing little by little. It gives me complete control over every single part of my body. My guilty confession: the diet is the absolute hardest part for me. I was raised in a Deep South family. We bonded over our home cooked, incredibly unhealthy meals, high carb/high fat meals--a stick of butter in just about everything and as much dessert, whenever you wanted. Though I've been able to overcome a lot of the food temptations during prep, it's still a huge struggle for me sometimes (cont. pg. 6).

Florida Fitness Photography