Publishers Note
Florida Fitness Photography
John Hawley, Publisher
John Hawley (904)333-3527
11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246
Editor Nellie Hawley
August 2, 2014
In This Issue:
Destiny Buch
Please share something of your background related to your interest in fitness and this shoot.
I've always been active and I rode horses for 11 years competitively, so when I decided to get out of that I needed a sport that would be just as physically challenging. I saw a girl posing in the room across from the gym and I thought hey, I really want to try that!
After my first show I was so incredibly hooked! I was horribly bullied when I moved 5 years ago which made me depressed and just an emotional mess, so when I found bodybuilding it was and still is an outlet for me. It makes me feel incredible and thanks to Vicki Nixon, I have found ways to eat healthy but still enjoy myself (being that I'm still only 19 after all) she has been like a second mother to me and I am so grateful. I think a lot of people don't really understand that figure competitors work just as hard as bodybuilders. Just because we aren't as big doesn't mean we don't give 2000% in the gym and in the kitchen (cont. pg 6)!
Florida Fitness Photography