Florida Baby 2021 | Page 8

Monitoring Milestones Tracking your baby ’ s development , from a few days to 4 years old .

By Wolfson Children ’ s Hospital

New parents keep close watch for baby ’ s big moments , like the first smile , but other milestones , like visually tracking an object , may go totally unnoticed . Here ’ s everything to look for ( and look forward to ) over the first four years of your child ’ s development .

Year 1 : The building blocks
From making eye contact and moving his or her hands , to crawling and uttering that highly anticipated first word , your little one ’ s going to be very busy this year .
Your child ’ s pediatrician will examine your baby and ask about his or her physical and cognitive development at routine checkups . Physical therapist Ann Losak , PT , and speech-language pathologist Sarina Tarantino , CCC-SLP , who work with children to meet milestones at Wolfson Children ’ s Rehabilitation , say these are the major milestones they expect to see in a baby ’ s first year .
0 to 2 months :
• Kicks both legs and moves both arms equally while on his or her back and turns head to both sides
• Lifts and turns head to both sides while on his or her belly
• Makes gurgling sounds
• Interacts with caregivers by smiling , calming when they speak and moving arms and legs in excitement
3 to 6 months :
• Reaches up and bats at toys while on his or her back
• Brings knees to chest and hands to feet
• Rolls from back to belly
• Pushes up and holds head high while reaching forward for toys
• May pivot while on his or her belly to explore the environment
• May begin to push up onto hands and knees and rock back and forth , getting ready to crawl
• Can prop or “ tripod ” sit , using hands to hold up the upper body while in a seated position
• Notices more about his or her surroundings , like when people come in and out of the room
• Responds to his or her name
• Looks between caregiver and an activity , like a book or toy
• Coos while interacting with parents , pets and toys