Florida Baby 2021 | Page 11

Step It Up
After the first six weeks you ’ re ready to begin a moderate exercise program . Aim for thirty minutes a day , five times a week . You may want to break that up into ten-minute segments at first . You ’ ll want to include walking , cycling or swimming in your regimen . Walking with baby in a stroller is the ideal exercise in these early months of baby ’ s life . It ’ s good for both of you to get out of doors and enjoy a change of scenery .
Set goals to increase your speed and distance . Using a pedometer or Fitbit to measure your steps is a good motivator . A reasonable goal is walking at a mile every fifteen minutes . If you ’ re able to join a postnatal exercise group , that ’ s a wonderful way to share your new baby experiences and get in a good exercise session at the same time . Most of these classes allow you to bring baby along .
If you ’ re unable to get to a formal exercise class , consider buying a postnatal exercise DVD . Be sure the program is doctor approved , such as postnatal Pilates , and enjoy at your leisure .
Patience and Persistence
The early months with a new baby are ones of intense joy and many challenges . You ’ re tired much of the time . So be patient with yourself and readjust your goals if necessary . But don ’ t give up . Do what you can each day , take joy in each new milestone of the journey and before you know it , you ’ ll be wearing those skinny jeans again .
Resources Books
10 Steps to Getting Back into Shape After Giving Birth by Carrie Delvaux .
Body After Baby : A Simple , Healthy Plan to Lose Your Baby Weight Fast by Jackie Keller .
I ’ ve Just Had a Baby by Alison Bourne . Tips for How to Lose the Baby Weight by Suz Redfearn . FLORIDA Baby MAGAZINE | 7