Floral Faith newspaper #7 | Page 41

Earth Breath

Shinryu fires two huge cones at 2 marked players (one healer and a DPS). If these overlap it will do a lot of damage and the next mechanic will most likely kill you/the party. To deal with this, healers go left to Tile A, and DPS go to right to Tile B, leaving a safe-spot in the middle for the rest of the party.

Diamond Dust

Shinryu basically freezes the ground, meaning you will slide (normally to your death) if you try to move.

Here the healers will get chained to each other. Decide which healer is to slide to break the chain, while the other stays in the middle casting AoE heals.

Dragon Heads

These adds can only be hurt with heals! Any help from Redmages (Vercure) and Paladins (Clemency) is appreciated. If not killed quick enough they will drain & kill the players they are attached to. Tanks will still be taking damage from Shinryu here too.

Aero Blast

Creates a tornado in the centre which pulses and knocks back party members. Will also be chains. For this walk towards the blast and be at an angle to get knocked back diagonally. If chained try to be on opposite sides from tethered players. *Cast your anti-knockback role skill for the 3rd pulse + final blast.