Floral Faith newspaper #7 | Page 38

Phase 1: The hard bits


Shinryu will chain healers to healers, tanks to tanks, and DPS to DPS.

To break these, run away from your chained partner as soon as u see the chains, otherwise you get a stacking damage-up debuff, which basically means both of you will die soon after.

Tidal Wave

Similar to normal mode – Shinryu will summon a tidal wave along the edge of the arena (any edge where he isn’t based, so keep an eye out). This will knock you back about a tile, and out of the arena if not careful.

TIP: Casters should use “Surecast” & Melee can use “Arm’s Reach” Role skills (but not too early!)

Tail Slaps

Shinny will place a big green marker above players and target them with a huge tail slap – this will destroy any tiles with a crack on them, or crack any undamaged tiles. The tail will also damage anyone it hits or straight-out kill people if destroying tiles they were standing on.