Floodplane 1 | Page 44

But Balph knew the Commander had supplies somewhere, if only for himself. Kade had already gathered the remaining pouches of dried lizard meat and skins of water. The barrel of beer was too bulky for him to manage or he would have brought that too. Gabry had found something at the far end of the storeroom, but asking him about it wouldn’t do any good, little sneak that he was. Balph circled around from the rear of the store cave keeping close to the wall until he had a good view, then gasped as he saw Gabry slipping potato and carrot cakes reserved for weekly rationing into concealed pockets in his clothing. This must be the Commander’s special store, well out of sight of the rest of the store cave, and somehow Gabry knew about it.

Balph stepped out from his hiding place: “Oh, Gabry, you’ve found the Commander’s stores, those potato and carrot cakes look good.”

A hostile glower quickly followed Gabry’s startled look: “I found them, they’re mine!”

Kade had come running at Balph’s mention of potato and carrot cakes. Leaning menacingly toward Gabry, he countered: “No, they’re mine, Sneak. Hand them over.” Gabry dodged and feinted and made his escape under Kade’s arm. His freedom was short-lived as Balph, surprisingly fast for his size, grabbed him and twisted his arm behind him. Gabry winced and grunted, but smiled at Balph ingratiatingly: “I’ll share with you of course, but not him.” he indicated Kade.

Kade didn’t give Balph a chance to answer: “No, you’ll give them to me, and he won’t stop you.” Balph saw the knife pointing his way as Kade advanced. Without thinking, he grasped Kade’s hand and twisted the knife around pushing hard. Kade looked startled for an instant and then crumpled, the knife had found its mark.

Balph was gripped by horror even greater than he had felt on discovering Gorn in the morning. Not only had Kade been emptied of life, Balph himself was responsible. He felt afraid as he looked at Gabry and saw terror in those sneaky eyes. Was he a monster as Gabry obviously now believed?