Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 4: | Page 17

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) is a polymer that can be made in a variety of ways based on the ratio of Ethylene-vinyl to Acetate. When it comes to what we want to look at, EVA is made in a foam form with a high ratio of VA, making it firm (compared to low VA, which is what makes cling-film).  EVA is hydrophilic but dries extremely fast and is soft yet holds its original form over time.  EVA is tougher and longer lasting than cork.  It is nice to know it also comes in other many different covers.

I used EVA for years and still do to this day but there is a nostalgia to a nice cork handle.  When looking for a rod I like to have a handle that is long enough and I really enjoy a quality cork grips.  These are the things that I feel matter when I am buying my new rod for my next trip out.

By: J. Bernier