Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 3: | Page 7

I started the Float Tube Fishing Forum in 2010 thanks to my loving wife who helped by simply supporting and encouraging me in the building of this niche group.  Since the beginning of this FTFF I have been on

a quest to stay in the forefront of what is new in the

world of float tube fishing and I think I have been

pretty successful.  The traditional canvas covered float

tube has been on the market for many many years

since the early 40’s.  Float tubes have of course

changed from the donut

to the U-boat, from the

U-boat to the Pontoon

boat, and even the more

common shape we see now, the V-boat.  Tubes

have gone through small pockets to larger

pockets, carrying handles to backpack straps

and many other innovative ideas.  As

fishermen we have added rod racks and hard

table trays, fish finders and anchor systems.

 The canvas covers that we know today have been the very reason our sport has become more well known in recent years. Seats have changed from sling seats that put your

waist high in the water, to foam or inflatable for

extra height on the water as well as more comfort. 

The Canvas cover float tube to this day is still a

great investment and option to get you off the

shore and on to the water for a relaxing or

adventures time fishing.