Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 2: | Page 4

Editors Discussion

The FTFF in 2022

Over the years I have learned that fishermen can be some of the most generous and sharing people out there. OK maybe not on the water but off the water right LOL. I have noticed in the last few years people with opinions that want to make sure you know that their opinions are about you or your form of fishing does not align with them. Did I say that well, I think so.

OK this is not a rant about those individuals, I am not here to put them on blast or bring people to my side. I am writing this to let everyone know I will continue to be that ambassador for sport. I enjoy the sport of fishing as well as Float Tube Fishing. Because of this I want others to know about what I do and I am willing to share it all. Everyone can have their opinion on my boats or my form of fishing, or my lack of time on the water, or my choice on location, or lure choice ..... or the list goes on. I will continue to share and promote our sport to anyone willing to listen. I will go one step further, I am willing to listen as well.

Again this is not a rant just an open letter to say I am here to support and grow our sport. I will keep talking and sharing. Despite the opinions of others and those trying to pull me down I will rise above and continue to do what I set out to do. Bring like minded fishermen together for the love of our sport.