Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 2: | Page 5

Fish in the Spotlight

California Halibut

The fun of fishing for me

has always been trying to target

different species of fish. It's one thing

to catch a fish, it's another to target a

fish and be successful. So the target

this time is the California Halibut.


California halibut  hide by burying themselves up to their eyes in the sandy seafloor. Although they seem to be lazy fish, they're quite active. They have been observed swimming in anchovy schools and even leaping out of the water while chasing an anchovy.


California halibut vary in size and weight, but can grow  up to five feet long, and weigh up to 72 pounds. These fish are also very hardy and can live long lives. Males and females mature between two to five years, and can live to be 30 years of age.


The California Halibut can be found on the Pacific coast of North America from San Francisco, California, to Baja California, Mexico. There are scattered records of its occurrence as far north as the State of Washington. It is usually found on sandy bottoms in depths of 10 to 20 fathoms or less, though it may occasionally be found as deep as 100 fathoms.


 Habitat. California halibut are a benthic species that inhabits  sandy bottoms to depths of 183 m. They congregate in the nearshore waters and embayments of California. (" California Halibut Identification", 2012; Haugen, 1990) Juveniles live in nursery bays and migrate to sandy areas along the coast as they grow.


Adult halibut feed primarily on  Pacific sardines, northern anchovy, other small nearshore fish species that swim in the water column, and squid. Juveniles inhabiting bays and estuaries eat crustaceans including copepods and amphipods. California halibut are ambush predators.