Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 1: | Page 4

Editors Discussion

The FTFF in 2022

We have been running for 12 years.    We have had our ups and downs like currently,  but we are always here and open for conversation.  The goal of our forum is and always has been to provide a place for us to share our knowledge and experiences with other like minded fishermen in our sport.  Over the years we as a group have grown and compiled a lot of valuable information, and so we quickly moved into a group that can provide education as well.  We have a site that is a one stop shop for all needed information and supplies that one might need to get started in float tube fishing.  This is a passion of mine and I have loved providing this forum for all to enjoy, share and learn from.  As we move into 2022 we will continue to provide the same services we have since the beginning.  Even through the lean years we will be here, offering a place to share your stories, passion, and experiences as well provide education to new members.

We have expanded as well over the years into more Social Media areas.  FaceBook, Instagram, Blogspot, Twitter, YourTube, The FTFF EZine, and more. The members of our forum have also found their way to most of these Social Media Sites as well.  Of course all areas of Social Media will be used to provide the same thing that the forum has provided, with some changes in content between each site.  Our Social Media sites have been continuing to grow as well over the years and we will continue to work to keep them in the forefront of the Float Tube Fishing Community.

As always it is the members of the FTFF that makes us what we are, and we are glad to have you all here with us over these last 12 years.    We at the FTFF are proud of our growth and reach but we will always fall back to our roots.  That being the forum which started 12 years ago with an idea to connect like minded fishermen and share their experiences and knowledge from around the world,  I bring you once again - The Float Tube Fishing ``We're Always On The Fish”.