Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 1: | Page 2


President: Jeff Bernier

Writers: J Berneir

Photogarphy: Jeff Bernier, and members of our forum, Facebook, and Instagram

Mission Statement

The Float Tube Fishing forum is dedicated to the awareness and growth of this unique and exciting method of fishing for both experts and beginners. Through our global community and industry leading manufacturers we aim to promote and teach safe and appropriate float tube fishing techniques as well as mentor the future generations of float tube enthusiasts.


* FLTB FI+ FTFF Review

* 5 Flies you must have for fly fishing

* Editors Discussion The FTFF in 2022

* Fish in the Spotlight - Arctic Grayling

* You're Launching Checklist for Safety

* Hooksets and Fighting the Fish

- Fly Rods are Different

* What are you throwing

* Save your fisheries from Pollution

- A plug for Float Tubes