Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 7: Issue 1: | Page 18

Save your Fisheries From Pollution A Plug For Float Tubing:

How many times as you are in your tube look over to the water to just see a sheen on the water.  You know it to be fuel on the water and we know this is not good right.  And we all know pretty much where it is coming from.  So I know that this is not going to sway everyone or move people to change their habits when out in their fisheries.  I am simply trying to get the information out so we all have more details to make better decisions.  As we talk about environmental concerns to our water ways I think it is very important to understand where pollution comes from as it relates to our sport.   There are many sources of pollution to our fisheries, but it was shocking to see the pollution that our recreational boats can put out.  Now there are some bright sides to talk about but let’s look at the pollution that is generated from these boats.

On an important note as we talk about gross boat polluters we are talking about mainly 2 stroke non cared for engines.  It is shown that 4 Stroke Newer and Maintained engines can put off much less pollution nearly 97% less air and water pollution.  A 2 stroke engine is the worst as far as pollution to the water and air.  Researchers found that a jet ski running a 2 stroke engine will emit the same amount of pollution in 7 hours that a newer passenger car will emit when driven 100,000 miles.  2 stroke engines while company and powerful burn fuel efficiently.  This can equate to as much as 30% or 2-3 gallons of gasoline an hour being discharged into the environment.   These engine emissions can have major effects on water quality, as well as sediment and the overall food chain.  Of course these engine emissions are also highly toxic to the fatty tissue of shellfish, crustaceans, fish, and birds.