Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 32

Thoughts from

the Water's

Fishing has been a part of my life for the last 43 years of my 48 years of existence. Fishing for me is more than just a chance to catch a fish. It is truly a chance to reconnect with nature and more importantly myself. To spend time on the water is to renew my passion and reconnect with the great outdoors. To spend time on the water is to replenish my energy and realign my thoughts. To spend time on the water means so much more than just catching a fish. I know that without fishing in my life I would be missing a very big part of me. A part that could only be filled by time on the water fishing. Some may not understand but I know most here will. Enjoy every moment you can on the water and know I am enjoying mine as well.

By J Bernier