Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 4

Not just Knots

Fishing Knots

As a kid at the age of five I began fishing. Of course I had all my knots tied for me. Once I was old enough though it was time for me to tie my own knots. I have since learned a lot of different knots. But what is each knot meant for that is what we are going to look over right now.

Palomar Knot:

Instructions and Purpose:

1. Double your line to make a loop, then push the loop through the eye of your hook.

2. Tie a loose overhand knot.

3. Pass the loop around the end of the hook.

4. Pull on the line to tighten.

5. Trim the loose end of the line if necessary.

The Palomar knot is a knot that is used for securing a fishing line to a fishing lure, snap or swivel. To tie the knot first double 8–12 inches of line into a loop and pass it through the eye of the hook, lure or swivel.