Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 28

Wildfires and our Fisheries


While Fire Retardants are important during fire season and when needed during wildfires, there are some serious consequences to our fisheries when using them.  But it is not all bad. Oddly enough there is good news to be shared on this subject.  As we all understand, fires while bad are necessary.  They clean out deadfall and over growth and put nutrients back in the ground which allow for regrowth of the wildlands that burned.  It also helps out with streams and waterways.  An example would be as trees are weekend or fall do to fire they fall into the stream and create new pools for native fish to gather and breed in.  Also as landslides and debris torrents follow wildfires they deliver new sediments to the streams and small lakes.  This helps create new shelters and improves the echo system over time. 

Wildfires are a fact of life in our world and we have had quite a few years of serious fire seasons.   We should expect to continue to have these same issues for years to come.  There are some really big concerns when it comes to these fires and the fisheries we might enjoy.  But it is also good to know that not all hope is lost, mother nature has her ways and she will always fight back.  Be sure to appreciate your time in the forests and outdoors. It is precious and fleeting.  And as always treat our fisheries with respect and consideration.  Today we are enjoying them and tomorrow they might be in jeopardy.