Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 10

The buoyancy of the bait is the key to its success when fished.  As it sinks it stands up and will fall slowly sometimes with a spiraling motion that can trigger the reaction bite.  Once on the bottom it again stands up and gives off very slight movements even when Dead Sticking (which will be covered later).  

So how can you fish the Ned Rig.  Really it's pretty forgiving, but there are 2 main ways to fish it we should know about.  Bouncing, and or Dead Sticking.  The bouncing presentation is simple: let it fall and make contact with the bottom.  From there you bring up your rod tip with a brisk snap and reel in slack, then simply let it fall back down and repeat.  You can change up the bounce and speed of retrieval until you find what the fish are looking for.  The second and I would say least exciting but challenging method is Dead Sticking.  This is challenging as you need to have great patience.  Dead Sticking is just letting it sit still and do nothing while you wait for the bite.   The very still Dead Ned Rig can still become a very tempting treat for the weary fish looking for an easy meal.

Do Nothing

The Ned Rig
