Flirtology - Fearless Flirting Module Three | Page 11

C hances are, your old model is not working and it is making you unhappy. How do you solve this? Make a new one! Is it really that easy? Yes! If the whole world is subjective, than why not let it be subjective in our favour? This new model is just as true as your old one, but even better, because it will make you happy! Exercise Two: Choose a new dating mental model Here are some suggestions for a new dating model: • I would rather find the right partner later than the wrong one now. • I am just going to date and have fun without any expectations. • People like me because I am a good person. • I don’t need a partner to start living my life. I can do that now. You can choose whatever model you’d like. The important thing is that you believe it, start collecting ‘evidence’ to support it, and disregard anything that doesn’t fit; this is how we change thought patterns.