Flirtology - Fearless Flirting Module Six | Page 3

F earless Flirters, it is the final week of our epic, flirting training course. By now you should be in tip-top shape. Remind yourself of your goals from the first week. Are you any closer to reaching them? Don’t worry if you’ve not achieved all of your goals in this short time, but you should feel that you have started a journey and are further along than before. Combining all of our new-found skills, we now focus our attention on the final week: where are the people for us to flirt with? Dating culture evolves over time. There are many good aspects to this; we have more freedom to choose what types of relationships we want to be in (if any at all!). Expectations concerning restrictive gender roles have also changed. Men can watch rom-coms and eat ice-cream and women can do carpentry: no big deal. In essence, we have more choices and less constrictions. However, as jobs and lifestyles move us further away from our families and neighbourhoods, the ways in which we had traditionally met people. We must be more creative about where to meet our potential partners. This module will show you, scientifically, the best ways to find a compatible match and answer the question: ‘Where are these people?’! Module Time Estimates: Audio Presentation (total) 6:50 min Exercise 1 3 - 5 min Exercise 2 3 - 5 min Task time Ongoing