Flirtology - Fearless Flirting Module Five | Page 9

Did you know... Researchers at the University of Minnesota conducted an experiment that became known as ‘The Phone Booth Test’. They placed a coin on the ledge of a telephone booth then hid behind a tree and waited for an unsuspecting subject to walk in and find it. When this happened, one of the researchers would approach the subject and say, ‘Did you happen to see my coin in that phone booth? I need it to make another call.’ Only 23% of the subjects admitted they had found it and gave it back. In the second part of the study, the coin was again placed in the phone booth but when the researchers approached the people who took it, they touched them lightly on the elbow for not longer than three seconds and inquired about the coin. This time, 68% admitted to having the coin, looked embarrassed and said things like, ‘I was looking around to try to see who owned it...’ Skillful elbow-touching can give you up to three times the chance of getting what you want. There are three reasons this technique works: • The elbow is considered a public space and is far away from intimate parts of the body. • Touching a stranger is not considered acceptable in most countries, so it creates an impression! • A light, three-second elbow touch creates a momentary bond between two people.