FlightSim Magazine i8 | Page 16

How do you decide which aircraft to develop?-FSM There are several “dimensions” for deciding each aircraft such as popularity, range, type of aircraft, size and the most important one: if it is economically feasible (revenue minus cost). We have more than 10 year in the industry so we have a pretty good “feeling” of how each aircraft would perform. -CARENADO CARENADO CESSNA 152 II How exactly does Alabeo “tie-in” with Carenado as a company?-FSM We saw that the low-end market was not well served. Cheap products were and still are very bad in term of quality. We wanted to put a brand (Alabeo) in that niche providing simple, good quality and affordable products (aircraft). In time Carenado has been upgrading to a more sophisticated aircraft entering the regional and jet niche. Because of this, Alabeo has started to enter the niche were \ Carenado was some years ago. -CARENADO