FlightSim Magazine i8 | Page 14

We’ve been seeing a lot more larger aircraft from you lately. Can we still expect to see some smaller aircraft from you (i.e. Piston Singles)?-FSM Yes, we will continue the development of those kind of aircraft, but we definitely are moving to the regional and jet aircraft in the mid term. Our brother company “Alabeo” has started to enter the niche were Carenado was some years ago. So, that company will start developing piston, singles engines soon. -CARENADO CARENADO PC 12 How do you develop your add-on’s? Do you get all specs and dimensions off “paper” or do you “visit” the real thing?-FSM In most of the cases we need to “touch” the aircraft, that mean at least one large photo session and several conversations with real pilot of each aircraft. If we can flight it, much better. We use the blueprints and all the information we can gather. The process of collecting information at the beginning is the tougher one. Sometimes we have had to drop a project because we don´t have enough information and if we don´t have enough material we don´t develop it. -CARENADO