To sum up Infinite Flight for those of you con- massively for Infinite Flight. In summary, I very
sidering trying it out either now or in the future; simply suggest that, despite it certainly not being perfect as of now, it may well be before you
Due to what I have seen, I believe that this is just know it, and in the meantime it still has plenty
about the best simulator available on the mobile of quality content offer, so I would definitely admarket, all things considered. Most flight mod- vise readers to at least check it out!
els are pretty precise, with impressive textures
and rendering and a few select cockpits that are
simply wonderful. There are key things missing, and some aircraft do need to be redone, but
both of these things are happening now with
every new release. Infinite Flight Live provides
a brillant platform for aviation enthusiasts and
is continously being tweaked and improved in
all departments.
But more than anything I think that Infinite
Flight has a very bright future- Several of the
key things that need to be added or improved,
are being. Global Flight, Wingflex, Landing
Smoke, and new scenery/weather rendering all
seem to be in the pipeline to be realeased within the next few updates. This will raise the bar