Flexible Carb Cycling Program [PDF] Flexible Carb Cycling Program | Page 2

everything and he can’t lose any weight. He is on all kinds of medications and his doctors told him he is also developing diabetes. Then he hit me with this… “I am afraid I am going to die an early death and I won’t be there for my kids to help them grow up. It scares me to think they won’t have a dad” This hit me hard because at the time I had a 2-year-old daughter and I started thinking about her and if I wasn’t there to help her grow up. It is the ultimate feeling of guilt thinking that you are going to let your kids down because you are not taking care of your health and you end up leaving them way too early as a result. I felt a deep responsibility to Mike and knew from what health issues he was already having that if he didn’t get the weight off and improve his nutrition that his kids would lose their father.