Floor Constructions Details
It is important to choose the correct underfloor heating product dependant on
your subfloor material and your chosen floor covering.
The following underfloor heating constructional details will show you the floor
build-up for the most popular types of finished floor coverings.
On some occasions you may have a choice of product and floor construction
to achieve your choice of heated floor surface. The final product decision may
depend on a comparison of factors such as: finished floor build-up height,
speed or ease of installation or cost. Whatever product or construction
method you choose, you can be sure that it is well proven and will provide
an excellent heating system.
Insulation materials are a crucial component in all the construction details
shown. Use of the recommended insulation material will enable the floor to
heat up faster and run more efficiently.
UFH beneath a Tile & Stone Floor
1. Tile or stone floor
2. Flexible tile adhesive
3. Flexible levelling compound
4. ECOFLOOR Cable Mat or ECOFLEX loose cable
5. ECOMAX insulated tile backer board
6. Suspended timber or concrete subfloor
visit www.flexel.co.uk for detailed product info & installation tips