Flexel Catalogue august 2013 | Page 18

ED OV ly PR AP comp e to h th n it w ditio hE 17t iring W The complete electric underfloor heating solution for under carpet & vinyl floors ECOMAX-DUO d u a l b o a r d o v e r l a y s y s t e m ECOMAX-DUO is a dual board overlay system suitable for use over ECOFILM underfloor heating. It is a dry lay system that creates a free floating subfloor that is extremely stable and is instantly ready to receive the finished floor covering. ECOMAX-DUO provides a smooth stable laying surface onto which most finished floor coverings can be fixed. This enables ECOFILM elements to be used as the underfloor heat source for a variety of floor coverings such as carpet, linoleum and luxury vinyl. Installation of ECOMAX-DUO is quick, clean and simple. The system consists of a baseboard and a top board, each with a layer of contact adhesive. The combination of ECOFILM and ECOMAX-DUO provides a labour saving, cost effective method for heating linoleum, vinyl and carpet. Features = = = = = 18 Allows ECOFILM to be installed under carpet and vinyl Creates a stable sub-floor for laying a variety of floor coverings Simple installation Low build height – only 7mm Dry Lay. Consists of a base board (3mm) and top board (4mm) with pre-applied contact adhesive to bond them together. visit www.flexel.co.uk for detailed product info & installation tips